Neuropathic pain, also known as nerve pain or neuralgia, occurs when there is damage to the nerves; it is one of the major consequences of spinal cord injury. In this study based in Spain, 10 patients received a dose of 100 million bone marrow MSCs, … [Continue reading]
MSC reverses opioid tolerance and opioid-induced hyperalgesia in rodents
Opioids are commonly prescribed to millions of patients for chronic pain. While they bring pain relief, they are associated with opioid tolerance (OT) - the body grows used to opioid medication and requires higher doses to manage pain adequately. … [Continue reading]
Primary and lasting benefits of vitamin C in pregnancy.
Primary and lasting benefits in pregnancy. Observations made on over 300 consecutive obstetrical cases using supplemental ascorbic acid, by mouth, convinced me that failure to use this agent in … [Continue reading]
Long term effect and safety of Wharton’s jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells on type 2 diabetes
While updating my database of human clinical trials using expanded human umbilical cord mesenchymal cells I came across a new article (April, 2016) describing a 36-month safety in subjects given intravenous cells for in a type 2 diabetes study. The … [Continue reading]
Treatment with Mesenchymal Stem Cells Shown to be Safe for Dog Muscular Dystrophy
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a degenerative genetic disorder that affects the muscles in the body in a progressive manner, leading to eventual death. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are able to reach the affected muscle cells and to start tissue … [Continue reading]
Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells as Preeclampsia Treatment
Treatment with human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells is shown to be effective in controlling hypertension and reducing the infiltration of inflammatory cells in the placenta, in this preeclampsia rat model. Reprod Sci. 2016 Feb 17. … [Continue reading]