Panama’s First Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Clinical Trial for Rheumatoid Arthritis Approved by Comité Nacional de Bioética de la Investigación Institutional Review Board
Translational Biosciences, a subsidiary of Medistem Panama has received the county’s first clinical trial approval for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from the Comité Nacional de Bioética de la Investigación (CNEI) Institutional Review Board (IRB).
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Panama City, Panama (PRWEB) January 14, 2014
Translational Biosciences, a subsidiary of Medistem Panama has received the county’s first clinical trial approval for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from the Comité Nacional de Bioética de la Investigación Institutional Review Board (IRB).
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease in which the patient’s immune system generates cellular and antibody responses to various components of the joint such as type I collagen. As a result of this immune response, not only does joint destruction occur, but also other secondary complications such as pulmonary fibrosis, renal damage, and even heart damage. RA affects approximately 0.5-1% of the population in the United States.
Mesenchymal stem cells harvested from donated human umbilical cords after normal, healthy births possess anti-inflammatory and immune modulatory properties that may relieve RA symptoms. Because they are immune privileged, the recipient’s immune system does not reject them. These properties make MSC interesting candidates for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune disorders.
Each patient will receive five intravenous injections of umbilical cord stem cells over the course of 5 days. They will be assessed at 3 months and 12 month primarily for safety and secondarily for indications of efficacy.
The stem cell technology being utilized in this trial was developed by Neil Riordan, PhD, founder of Medistem Panama. The stem cells will be harvested and processed at Medistem Panama’s 8000 sq. ft. laboratory in the prestigious City of Knowledge. They will be administered at the Stem Cell Institute in Panama City, Panama.
The Principle Investigator is Jorge Paz-Rodriguez, MD. Dr. Paz-Rodriguez also serves as the Medical Director at the Stem Cell Institute.
“While this is just the first step, it is our hope that Panama’s rapid emergence as a leader in applied stem cell research will lead to safe, effective treatments for debilitating diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and serve to benefit all Panamanians who suffer from it in the not-too-distant future,” said Ruben Berocal, M.D., National Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation (SENACYT). “Oversight by the National Committee for Investigational Bioethics ensures patient safety by demanding ethical transparency and compliance with the highest levels of international standards,” he added.
For detailed information about this clinical trial visit If you are a rheumatoid arthritis patient who has not responded to disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARD) for at least 6 months you may qualify for this trial. Please email trials(at)translationalbiosciences(dot)com for more information about how to apply.
About Translational Biosciences
A subsidiary of Medistem Panama Inc., Translational Biosciences was founded solely to conduct clinical trials using adult stem cells and adult stem cell-derived products.
Translational Biosciences Web Site:
Email: trials(at)translationalbiosciences(dot)com
About Medistem Panama Inc.
Since opening its doors in 2007, Medistem Panama Inc. has developed adult stem cell-based products from human umbilical cord tissue and blood, adipose (fat) tissue and bone marrow. Medistem operates an 8000 sq. ft. ISO 9001-certified laboratory in the prestigious City of Knowledge. The laboratory is fully licensed by the Panamanian Ministry of Health and features 3 class 10000 clean rooms, class 100 laminar flow hoods, and class 100 incubators.
Medistem Panama Inc.
Ciudad del Saber, Edif. 221 / Clayton
Panama, Rep. of Panama
Phone: +507 306-2601
Fax: +507 306-2601
About Stem Cell Institute Panama
Founded in 2007 on the principles of providing unbiased, scientifically-sound treatment options, the Stem Cell Institute has matured into the world’s leading adult stem cell therapy and research center. In close collaboration with universities and physicians world-wide, our comprehensive stem cell treatment protocols employ well-targeted combinations of autologous bone marrow stem cells, autologous adipose stem cells, and donor human umbilical cord stem cells to treat: multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, and autoimmune diseases. To-date, the Institute has treated over 2000 patients.
For more information on stem cell therapy:
Stem Cell Institute Website:
Stem Cell Institute
Via Israel & Calle 66
Plaza Pacific Office #2A
Panama City, Panama
Phone: +1 800 980-STEM (7836) (USA Toll-free) +1 954 636-3390 (from outside USA)
Fax: +1 866 775-3951 (USA Toll-free) +1 775 887-1194 (from outside USA)
Would a SpinaBifida patient be a candidate for stem cell?
Thank you!
Hi Neil,
I may have e-mailed you prior, but just in case wanted to make sure. I have a friend with Progressive muscular atrophy (PMA), also known as Duchenne-Aran muscular atrophy and Duchenne-Aran disease — is a rare subtype of motor neuron disease (MND) which affects only the lower motor neurones. PMA is thought to account for around 4% of all MND cases.[1] This is in contrast to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the most common form of MND, which affects both the upper and lower motor neurones, or primary lateral sclerosis, another rare MND variant, which affects only the upper motor neurons. The distinction is important because PMA is associated with a better prognosis than classic ALS.
Sorry for the cut and paste, just easier…Is there any current treatment for him ? Neuralstem and Brainstorm have current trials, but the Umbilical Cord derived MSC’s might stave off the progression of the disease, at least thats a question to you…..
I appreciate you and what you are doing, and I have watched Dr. Caplan’s series of videos produced by you at least five times…..
I am hoping Bill can see some light at the end of the tunnel, and our hope is to do something rather than wait as his body continues to debilitate….
Dear Dr. Neil Riordan,
I and my wife need your stem cell treatment for several damaged cells in our 64 year old bodies. But also we have several friends who also need help. I am a vet who has fellow friends where the VA system does not work. One close friend who has cancer is in his 50s and is about to start chemo. Another has a child who has autism and treatments do not seem to work.
The question is I believe in Stem Cell treatment but:
How do I tell them about you and what you can offer them?
What are the costs and treatment times for different elements?
I am retired now with little income but want to be treated as well as be part of this new cutting edge stem cell treatment medicine. I live in San Antonio, can there be a way for me to help all these people here in USA and you in Panama? How can we talk and what are your ideas?
Alan Demos,
I have CIDP??? can stem cell treatment help or cure me?
Hello Dr. Neil Riordan:
This Isaac I was the individual who has RA and recently Dr.Paz put me in contact with you to show you pictures and the results of my condition. I want to forward you those pictures but I need your email and contact number so I can forward those to you.
Please contact me via phone number at (909) 261-4522 I would like to come visit your operations in Texas . I am looking forward in doing some clinical research at our MRI Center. Call me we can discuss . Dr Isaac
My son Todd who is 40 years old suffers from Psoriatic Arthritis. He has been this way since the age of 27. Todd has tried DMARDS and did not like the side affects as well as the prognosis for long term use of these drugs Todd is currently being treated by Dr. Franco using antibiotics at the Arthritis Centre in Riverside California. Todd has been treated with antibiotics for the past 5 years and has seen improvement over the use of DMARDS but still has frequent flare ups. Todd and his wife Darlene have two daughters and one year ago they had a son. With the birth of their son they kept the umbilical cord in a stem cell bank with the idea of considering stem cell treatment for his psoriatic arthritis.
Does stem cell treatment work for PA as well as RA?
Does one (1) umbilical cord from his son provide enough stem cell to provide adequate treatment?
If Todd was to use your clinic for the treatment how would he ensure his son’s umbilical cord would be used exclusively for his treatment?
Does the use of his son’s umbilical cord provide enhanced treatment for his PA over using the bank of stem cell you provide?
Where would his son’s stem cells be stored/
What costs can be expected using his son’s umbilical stem cells and your facilities?
Please provide literature about your facilities.
Best Regards……………..Paul Mitchell (Father of Todd).
my son had brain surgery 8 years ago. he has a few things wrong post surgery. Pan hypodthyroidism, he takes growth hormone, has diabetes incipidus takes desmopressin spray to control that he takes cortef for hydrocortisone which he no longer produces and he passes out everyday as a side effect of one of these medications. I am a friend of Tina and Brad Hillstrom and would like to hear from you about how this treatment can help my son.