The company I founded in 2005 is to be acquired by Intrexon for $26 million.
GERMANTOWN, Md. and SAN DIEGO, Dec. 20, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Intrexon Corporation (XON), a leader in synthetic biology, today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire, for approximately $26 million, San Diego-based Medistem, Inc. (MEDS) a pioneer in the development of Endometrial Regenerative Cells (“ERC” or “ERCs”), universal donor adult stem cells that stimulate new blood vessel formation and are capable of generating different tissues including heart, brain, pancreas, liver, bone, cartilage and lung. Intrexon intends to employ its integrated synthetic biology platforms to engineer a diverse array of cell-based therapeutic candidates using Medistem’s multipotent ERCs.
I knew playing with nematodes would pay off some day. Congrats buddy, now come see me in Telluride.
My name is Jay Carrasquillo and I live in Hollywood Florida which is located between Fort lauderdale and Miami. About 27 months ago I suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm. I was In the hospital for 12 months and in a coma for 2 of those 12 and was clinically dead for 3 minutes, I have no local family to take care of me and life has been very hard. I sold every thing I owned worth value and have been left with brain damage, and a host of other brain related problems including the inability to taste food,which is the worst. I have severe balance problems and walk in a unstable manner. I am only 52 years old but look much younger (I would pass for 45) and I used to go to the gym 4-6 times a week. I have gone to therapy and they say there is no more that they could do. I been trying to go to the gym so I could stay in some kind of shape but to be honest Im losing the will.
That brings me to why I’m contacting you. I have been doing a lot of research on stem cells and feel that that is my last chance to get well. I have had a web site made where people could read my story and educate themselves on brain aneurysms.
I was hoping i could get your help in driving traffic to the web sight
The money I raise ( should people feel that they would like to help) would be kept in a separate account at “BANK OF AMERICA” (ACCOUNT # 229045528221) which has already been opened under the name “ JAY CARRASQUILLO STEM CELL BENEFIT” and not one dollar would be spent on paying my everyday expenses and you can go to and read about what happened to me, there are three pages, the first explains the situation I am in , the second explains what a ruptured brain aneurysm is and the third allows you to donate using your pay pal account or credit card. THIS IS NOT A SCAM I simply need help. I am a good guy and just need a little help.I am willing to provide any proof that you require. Please help me. Any LITTLE bit would be appreciated
Thank you Jay Carrasquillo 954 270 5292
Hola Neil , sorry to hear about your loss. Our Prayers are with you .
Congratulations on the new ? business venture with Intrexon .
I would like to visit your ( ? ) Cell facility in Panama. I will be in Costa Rica in February , and can hop over to Panama city any time .
Many ides to share with you , and I need your ” Brain ” for advice on a potential Japanese business venture concerning Collection and storage of Embryonic cells .
If you are still involved with Institute , I know you are very busy , but if you could drop a line sometimes , I would like to stay in contact with you.
Kind regards , and Warm wishes for 2014 !.